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Holidays and School Trips

Where there is a proposal for a child to go on holiday or a school trip in the UK, the relevant social worker should give approval, unless it has previously been agreed this is not necessary (which may apply for holidays or trips up to four days as set out in Social Visits (Including Overnight Stays) Procedure, Social Visits/Overnight Stays) that the home can make the arrangements without seeking approval.

If the home is permitted to arrange holidays and trips without seeking approval, the social worker should still be informed, preferably in advance or as soon as possible afterwards.

Children must not be taken on holiday during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances that would be approved by the social worker's manager for the child and the Head of School. (Note that under the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, the previous ability of headteachers to grant leave of absence for the purpose of a holiday during term time in 'special circumstances' of up to ten school days leave per year has been removed. The 2013 Regulations make clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are 'exceptional circumstances').

Where there is a proposal for child to go on holiday or school trip abroad, the child's social worker must always give approval, following consultation with the child's parents.

Where the parents' consent, this must be obtained in writing. Where parental consent is not given, the social worker may need to seek legal advice as to whether the holiday can go ahead.

If the child requires a passport, the social worker should be consulted on the procedures within the Slough Children First for obtaining a passport. See also Guidance notes for social services departments making passport applications on behalf of Looked After Children.

Where the holiday or school trip will interrupt Family Time arrangements between the child and his/her family and significant others, alternative suitable arrangements should be given consideration. This should be in consultation with the social worker and relevant others and consistent with the child's Care Plan.

See: Family Time with Parents/Carers/Siblings and Others Procedure.

Last Updated: June 10, 2024
